Manbar Gwadar Balochistan

Manbar Gwadar Balochistan

My name is Mohammad moosa this is my blog I hope you will like my blogs and support me in the previous blog I wrote about the Mulla Chotook which is famous for its landscape and beautiful this blog, I write about the Manbar which I already know about the stunning landscape and points. In this blog, I write about the Manbar that I experienced when I went to Manbar and saw the beautiful scenario of the Manbar.


Manbar is located in the coastal region of Pakistan. Manbar is located in a small village of Gwadar named pishokan. there is almost 5 or 7 km distance between Manbar in pishokan. Manbar is also known for its sengar project which is in the Pakistan-China economic corridor. Many investors invested money in the Manbar because Manbar played a significant role in the development of Gawdar. People used the local boats for the Manbar. Manbar is covered and full of seawater. there is no second way for the arrival of Manbar. Local people used their boats for the Manbar. They need a small payout for the Manbar. Local people are very humble they do not take extra charges for the Manbar. We have a college classmate. he has a boat he does not give us any boat charges.

Journey of Manbar

Journey of Manbar

I share my own journey of Manbar what I experienced in Manbar my own points about Manbar I share with you I am a person who likes the natural beauty of the world there are so many places that are artificial such as parks, ground and other playing area these are artificial these are does not give you relaxation of mind. When you go to a place that gives you the feeling of relaxation and emotions. so Manbar is also a place which gives the relaxation of mind and soul. The main characteristic of a Manbar is it is covered with water. There are not any human activities you can relax your mind and enjoy with your friends and colleagues and share your beautiful memories with your friends. The sound of the air will give the other mode of mind. When you arrive at Manbar air will give you the welcome message feel that I am not a Balochistan I am in another place in the world. These are some main characteristics of the Manbar that I write about in this blog.


In this blog post, I discuss a place that is full of natural beauty and mind relaxation. I write many blogs that discuss the place and Manbar is also one of them. Which is full of enjoyment and mind relaxation. I hope that you will like my blog post and give me the motivation to more write about beautiful places.