My name is Muhammed Moosa and this is my blogger account I was writing about nature and its beauties and beautiful places and today I will be writing about a place where people will go fishing and that place there is no sea but there is a river and that is full of fishes.
As I mentioned that in this place people will go fishing
and will bring fish for them so this journey will start from my village
Balnigwar where people will start the journey and will go fishing and
when they will reach there and they will quickly start finding fish and
suddenly you will see that they have found a sack of fishes and most of the
people don’t take these fishes home they will do picnic by taking these fishes
they will cock rice and fry the fishes and afternoon they will eat them and
some people come to find fishes for home.
Taste of these fishes
These fishes have a different taste from the fishes which come from the sea places like Gawader they have a taste like mud because they are in a water which comes from the river so that why they have a muddy taste and when you kill them for cleaning they will smell very badly and if you don’t cover your nose so that means your hair nose will be destroyed but when you will clean them properly and put fish masala they will give a taste which you don’t forget in your life when you eat with white rice then its taste will double in villages like mine there no fishes like we have in our home so that why they used this kind 0f fishes which are not tasty as ours but you know there is a quote that something is better than nothing so that’s why they use these fishes.
The best way to catch these fishes
In our village people mostly use holes that are very tiny
and because the fish are small and they can not escape from these holes if
you use nets with big holes so fishes can escape from these holes easily
and some people use hand to catch these fishes they are quite fast but If you
have experience so you can catch them easily one day me and my friends went to
catch fishes and we use hand and by my own experience I can say that this
method is also successful and workable so if you go to catch fishes in these
place so use your hands to catch more and don’t forget that these fishes also
have some spikes which can harm your hands.
The best way to fry these fishes
If you have any woman in your house who can fry these fish give them to her and if there is no one in your house so first of all clean
the fish and also clean the inner side and put some masala inner and outside of the fish and then start a fire and put a fryer on the fire and put some oil in it
and at the end put the fish in the fryer and fry both sides of fish and your
fishes ready to serve.
In this blog, I write about the beauty of nature in which some fishes lives in a lake and eat mud to live and people also eat
them if you like this blog comment and follow me for more interesting
blogs your comments will encourage me a lot