My name is Mohammed moosa this is my blog site in which I discuss the same major places in Balochistan that are not available on Google my main 0bjectives is to give information about the world about my village's beauty. there are several points in Balnigwar which are rich with history and cultural background. With the help of this platform, I want to share my village's beauty all over the world. I hope you people love my blogs and motivate me to write more informative blog this blog post, I write about the Gurkani hootak.


Gurkani hootak is a small point where are some water is stored in other words we can say that a mini dam. Gurkani Hootak is located in the Balnigwar district kech. Gurkani hootak is a very wide history and background. Gurkani hootak is just for a small bond village which name is Gurkani sechi. There are almost 150 people survived in gurkani sechi. Newsday this place is desert there is not any person these peoples are migrating in the others villages. this mini dam is connected to the rainwater. Gurkani hootak has very wide history and cultural background.

Importance of Gurkani hootak

Gurkani hootak plays a significant role for the local people. These people are out of the village there are not any proper water connections between other villages such as Balnigwar, Dilsar, and Daalsar. so this mini dam is the source of survival. Balnigwar is a place there has not been any rain in many years. There are also many facts about the gurkani hootak. People said that gurkani sechi water did not end for many years. People can easily manage the water for 3 or 4 years. Gurkani hootak water is not much larger but they can manage the water and used them in a proper way. Gurkani Hootak is located on a road so many people can rest and drink water.

History of gurkani hootak

There is not any wide history of the gurkani hootak. These people belong to the Zikri parka which is the parka of Islam. one day they hear that their mullai is coming into the village. mullai is the main guidance of the Zikri parka. When they hear that they go to their and request that he come to our town. Mullai has rejected the invitation because he said there is a shortage of water, I have hundreds of people who face the difficulty of the water. so the local people force the mallai. after many requests, Mullai accepted the invitation. Before this event, there was not any water system in the gurkani sechi local people survived in the rainwater. But the rainwater is less for the people. so they decide that we drag the earth and store the water. Women and men started dragging the earth after dragging the earth they suffered 10 kilometers for the water. Women and men equally participated. after two days they stored thousands of gallons of water. After two days the mullah came and was shocked at how they did it. Mullai gives them a new identification called is an animal that is symbol of struggles.


In this blog post, I write about the points that have a very unique and cultural background history my aim is to provide such kind of information about the points. Gurkani Sechi was a small town the most people survived with this water. They have their own moral value and cultural backgrounds. I hope that you people like the blog and have the motivation to write more blog posts