My name is Mohammed Moosa this is the third post in my first blog as you know I am writing about my village and its beauty so today I will be discussing some main characters of Balnigwar which are highly known in my village.

Barkat Bal Wala

Barkat was a singer and the most known person in my village. Still, now he is no more he died due to a heart attack he was so famous that people from the city came to take him for the mehfil if anyone said I am from Balnigwar the first that came to mind was Barkat Bal Wala he was a very honest and good person. Here is a fun fact about Barkat he never sat in a car he always traveled with his motorcycle.

Ali Hamaal

Ali is from my village he is a laborer in my village he is very funny and he always likes to joke with the local people and the kids in my village are very scared of him because he makes different faces so the kids always be scared of him, he is the light of Balnigwar bazaar and if he will go to other places the bazaar will be no fun and there will be no fun.


Arif belongs to my village and he is also the light of the Balnigwar bazaar. He is always in the bazaar and he always goes to the end of the bazaar and comes to starting of the bazaar, in other words, you can call him the security guard of our village bazaar and he is no work he is mentally not ok sometimes he has done some funny dance and sometimes he starts talking to himself and sometime he will walk to the bazaar in late night and he always carries a lot of newspaper and paper which are not in anyone use he took the paper and put them in his pocket and sometimes he starts reading them for your information Arif didn't went to school in his entire life but always reads the newspaper. Local people will laugh at him because he is so funny.

Master Bhutto

Master Bhutto also belongs to my village he was a teacher in the past that's why everyone calls him master. Still, now he is retired and owns and runs a tailor shop he is famous in my Village. Local people call him the weather forecaster because he always says the right thing about the weather if he says today there will be rain 99 percent there will be rain and if he says that today there will be strong wind there will strong wind and the reason for his right decision is that he has an app in his phone which always say the right decision about the weather if anyone is will farm something so first of all he will ask Master Bhutto that there is a chance of rain or not so if he says that there is no rain so he will start farming so that's why he is one of the main characters of my village.

Ustad Muneer

Ustad Muneer also belongs to my village he is a mechanic and owns a garage which is quite famous in my village and also the places which are near to my village he is a very good mechanic that's why people from other villages and places come to him for their motorcycle repairing and the other reason for coming to ustad garage is that they have a very fast service because he is not alone he has many workers which are working for him so in my village Ustad Muneer is also one of the main characters of Balnigwar.

Lala Shokat

Lala Shokat also belongs to my village he runs a pan shop in my village and he is so honest and funny the people from another village also know him and always in the morning and evening time he plays some very good and old songs sometimes the people also wait to listen to the song and if song finishes the people also will go to their work Lala also is the main character of my village.

Master Ilyas

He also belongs to my village Master Ilyas is the headmaster and principal of our village school which is located a few distance from our village and he is so very honest and he teaches the students with honesty and with full passion as he is the principal so everyone respects him and if everyone sees him will always give salaam to him and Master Ilyas is also one of the main characters of my village.

Haleem Shafi

If I don't mention Haleem Shafi in this blog article, I think it would be wrong. Haleem Shafi is a young man who is known and loved by everyone, young and old, in our village. He is a sincere and compassionate young man who helps everyone and is always there when needed. Most people in Bilnagor and the surrounding villages respect and trust him. Haleem Shafi became famous in our village when he first set up a telephone system for the people of Bilnagor. This system allowed people from our village and nearby villages to communicate with their relatives. Many people from our village go abroad for work, and the locals frequently come to speak with their relatives. Haleem Shafi would charge much less than the other telephone operators in neighboring villages, who would charge four times as much.


In conclusion, the village of Balnigwar is home to many remarkable individuals who have left a lasting impact on the community. From Barkat Bal Wala, the beloved singer whose memory still lingers, to Ali Hamaal, the humorous laborer who brings joy to the bazaar, each person contributes uniquely to the fabric of village life. Arif, the quirky figure often seen patrolling the bazaar with his newspapers, adds a sense of security and amusement, while Master Bhutto, with his weather predictions, continues to be a reliable source of wisdom for the villagers. These individuals, with their diverse talents and personalities, are not just residents of Balnigwar but are the essence of what makes the village so special. They represent the spirit, resilience, and unity of Balnigwar, making it a unique and cherished place for all who live there..