Balnigware Gurkani Sechi Bazar

Balnigware Gurkani Sechi Bazar

My name is Mohammad moosa this is my second blog in the first blog I wrote about some main points of my village. Today we will discuss a place that has a very unique history with beautiful people so I write about the Gurkani Sachi it is a place which is located In the Balnigwar Dasht district kech. This place has a very wide history and importance the people of Gurkani Sachi are called Gurk.

History of Gurkani Sechi

As I mentioned in the introduction it was a place but now it is no more than some empty and broken houses I know that the person who lived first in this place was Khoda Ibrahim he belonged to a cast named Gurk The Gurk is an animal named in Balochi which is called wolf in English The title of Gurk was given by these reason because they were fearless and always ready for anything as I mentioned above this place is situated in the middle of forest and mountain so the forest is perilous so only these people who called gurk was the only who were living their because they were brave.

Beauty of Gurkani Sechi

As I mentioned this place was middle of a forest and mountains so it was a really beautiful place it was also covered with trees and some plants and there was a Hottak which is a picnic point nowadays but at that time it was the source of their only water it was always full of water local peoples of Gurkani sechi used to fulfill their daily need water from the Balochi, Hottak means where water is stored and local people use it to fulfill their daily water necessities.  

Importance of These Places

As you know in today's world everyone is disturbed in his own world but in that time people were really close to each other there were no complaints among them they were living like a family if anyone in the near died so not his family cried but all villager cried because they were so much close to each other and if anyone was happy there so they were not jealous they were also happy for him  so due to these no one will harm anyone so there will be always peace.

Lifestyle of Local People

Their life was so simple they ate those things that they grew by themselves they didn’t use a tractor or any machine instead they used donkeys and bull and their cars were donkeys they used them for the transport of water and other things. the local peoples of Gurkani sechi used farming for their livelihood. Gurkani Sachi people were very brave in hard workers. Other villagers called gurk are the symbols of struggles.

Reason of Migration

I mentioned before that the source of water for local people was a Hottak so the hottak was always filled with rainwater At that time there was a drought so the hottak was empty and if your only source of water was empty you had to migrate to another place and the other reason was food As I mentioned before the source of their food was farming and there was a drought so the land was so dried and they can't even farm a single eating thing so if your food is finished and you also cant grow the food you have to migrate to another place. The places where they migrated were Balnigwar, Chapli, and Dilsar...


In this blog, I discuss the Gurk community Which is highly present in the Dasht this community has a very unique history and power. This kind of community is a lesson for us and also a source of motivation.