My Village Balnigware

My name is Mohammad Moosa this is my first blog I am here to describe my village's beauty, I hope you guys will support me and give me the motivation to do my this blog I will describe my village's beauty and discuss the importance of my village's beauty I hope you guys will support me and read my blogs.

Before pronouncing my village I take a small breath because it has been a couple of days since I went to my village my village's name is Balnigwar it district of Kech Balochistan province are almost twenty thousand people are living Most people belong to the framer they used to frame for their living hood. Balnigwar is covered with trees When you enter Balnigwar the trees will single you and give you the message of welcome come There are several points and the history of my village I want to describe in detail.

History of Balnigwar

I asked my grandfather what our village's history what the meaning of Balnigwar and he replied that my son's Balnigwar history is very wide and old. Balnigwar means forest in Balochi. In the past Balnigwar was covered by the trees. that way people called it Balnigwar don’t know the history of Balnigwar but my father said that mullah Kamala is the first person who settled in Balnigwar after people started settling in Balnigwar.

Nako Bagh

Nako Bagh is the main points of the Balnigwar .the nako means uncle and Bagh means gardens in Balochi. Nako Bagh is a garden which is full of dates mangoes, lemons, and other daily life uses fruits and vegetables. The main reason for this garden is Nako Pashambay who is the owner of this garden. Nako Pamshaby is a very humble and honest person every person is impressed with Nako Pamshaby's personality He gives fruits and vegetables to poor people nako does not deny any people to eating his garden fruits and vegetables. There is also a small space where nako used to store the water People mostly used the water for taking refreshments on the other hand you can call it the swimming pool of the Balnigwar.

Balnigwar Bazaar

There is a very small bazaar in Balnigwar most people used to sell and buy things. there are almost twenty shops which local people use to sell and buy things. Almost 300 people visit in bazaar on a daily base. There is a person who cooks the famous biryani called the sifa biryani this is very delicious biryani many people will come into different villages to eating the sifa biryani .sifa is a very honest person and gives free biryani to poor children. There are almost different characters who are the beauty of the Balnigwar bazaar.

There Are Certain Personalities in The Bilnagor Bazaar 

Naseer Tea Shop

who, even after many years, still remain there. One of them is Naseer's tea shop. As far as I remember, Naseer's shop was opened by his elder brother Liaqat, and at that time, Naseer was very young. Over time, the responsibility of the shop passed from Liaqat to Naseer, and he has grown up there from childhood to adulthood. Even after many years, the shop remains just as it was.

Motor Garages

There are two Motor Garages in Bilnagor Bazaar that have been there for many years. The first Motor Garage belongs to Ustad Nadel and Badal, who are brothers. They built this motorcycle garage many years before I was born, and even after many years, they are still at the same place. Ustad Nadel and Badal are well-known far and wide for their excellent motor repair skills, which is why people from nearby villages come to Bilnagor Bazaar. Currently, the motor garage is run by Ustad Yasir, who is Ustad Nadel's son-in-law.

The second Motor Garage belongs to Ustad Munir, also known as Ustad Munna. Ustad Munir learned his craft from Ustad Nadel, and a few years later, he opened his own garage. Even after many years, both garages are still present in the same place.

Cricket Ground

There are also small crickets located in the southeast of Balnigwar where local people used to play cricket. This ground is not grassy but this ground has its own identification. This ground is surrounded by beautiful mountains Local people will host a cricket tournament  at the end of the year known as BPL Balnigwar Premier League. in this tournament, ten teams will compete for the trophy. This tournament is also part of the enjoyment of the local people of Balnigwar.


in this blog I discuss some main points of my village such as nako Bagh and the local bazaar these things are the main characters of my village. I hope you people will support me and give me the motivation to write about my village's beauty and natural identification.